Building is Strategic.

For centuries, two intellectual constructions with deep social, cultural and political inprints have overruled the world’s mainstream intellectual activity : the far-eastern Go and the indo-european Chess. These landmark cultural icons have the ambition to emulate at the semiotic level the life of individuals and communities and to ultimately achieve that end through a paradigmatic Offense/Defense, Destruction/Survival blind prism. Though being nominally simple entertainment artefacts, these games have been so influential in history that that the deleterious contemporary grid of human international affairs is now often referred to as a Chessboard. Chess and Go are idolized by millions of people who see in them the ultimate truth and the embodiment of high predicates. Since early age, I have been interested in researching the rigid dualistic thinking that permeates the two historic games of strategy and I discovered soon enough that their characteristic dramatic imperative goal and challenge (in Chess like in Go the defeat of the adversary means his invasion and destruction and is the unique condition for victory), the bi-chromatic (Black and White) symbolic confusion at the ontological level between State and Identity (another symptom of conceptual error that led to the arbitrary inceptive rules “In Chess Whites Move First” and “in Go Black Move First”), the two-degrees-of-freedom self-imposed straightjacket of the “you-are-with-us-or-against-us” draconian mentality, the depiction of a world where all actors are purposeless mirror-adversaries and perennial foes are way too rigid and impede more than they nourish the culture of peace as well as intellectual, social and human development.

The Nakaru approaches game as interactive and intractive art. I coined the word intraction to express the necessity to go beyond the invasion/conflict/destruction pervasively regressive ethos, to move further than the current confined, external and mechanical understanding of interactivity and to explore the possibility of what I name generically the Game Neighbor as potential Foe but also Friend or Neither of them (Neutral) in a non-invasive and multi-interactive real or virtual world; so this approach and definition upholds the legitimate acception of true interactivity as inseparable from freedom, positive chiralty (which is dynamically articulated around the key nakaru concept of Strategic Height as an alternative to the current static and dominant concept of Strategic Depth ), multiversity, reflexively, transitively and correlatively interaction with oneself, ultimately One Self. Full interactivity encapsulates intuition, true freedom or free will, which are its first impulse and joy. Interaction is Intraction's organic outer membrane or interface, its shell. Intraction is the core.